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st bens pta

Friends of St Benedict's (PTA)

Our school has a very active PTA (Parent Teacher Association), which is passionate about enriching the educational and social life of the whole school community.  We are a registered charity that primarily concentrates on raising funds for the school, to enable us to buy things that are not covered by the school budget

All parents of children attending St Benedict’s Catholic Primary school, as well as the teachers, automatically become members of our PTA.  This is crucial for us to be able to not only raise the incredible funds that we do, but also in being at the heart of the school community and sharing our skills and voices in its continuing success.

Our committee team are made up of parents just like you!  We have our own children at St Benedict’s and believe that the PTA can really make a difference to all of our children’s education and wellbeing.  We work closely with the Head Teacher to ensure that we can continue to help strengthen the opportunities and advantages our children at St Benedict’s have.

We meet regularly to plan events, agree spending and discuss any current issues.  All parents and teachers at the school are welcome to join the meetings and contribute ideas.  Our meetings are friendly and informal.

Our AGM is held in the autumn term and is an open forum for all parents to find out more about how the PTA is organised and how our funds are raised and spent.  We also elect the Chairperson, Treasurer(s) and Secretary(s), which is a requirement of our charity status and constitution.  It is also a good opportunity to catch up and meet other parents over a coffee.

Offering to help at events or at other times during the year is really valuable, and without volunteers we simply wouldn’t be able to run them. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into the school, as there are often jobs that can be done from home – even if you only have half an hour to spare.  We couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen ‘army of helpers’ that exists within the school and committee.

You can volunteer to be part of the planning team or help at an event.  You may work for, or run, a company that could donate products or services to the school, perhaps you have a skill that would help us, or you know someone else who does.  You may have organised events before or have an idea that could raise money or maybe you just want to get involved with your child’s school. Whatever way you think you could help; we would love to hear from you

How can you find out more?
Communication is key, so we are starting to create a regular section in the school newsletter, and we have a Facebook Page to enable parents to have access to fully up-to-date information about our event and pleas for help! We ask that all information is also emailed out via the school to ensure everyone is informed.

Our Committee

Chairperson Katherine George
Treasurer Eve Gulliford
Vice Treasurer Lindsay Gulliford
Secretary Amy Howerd

Class Representatives/Committee Members

Owl Class Alex Cahill
Robin Class Lindsay Gulliford
Nightingale Class Amy Howerd & Gemma Young
Skylark Class Bex Guy
Goldfinch Class Lindsay Gulliford & Sophie Dular
Kingfisher Class Eve Gulliford & Fran Keel

Other Committee Members

Gayatri Barua-Howe

How do we raise money?

We do this by organising events for the children to enjoy, such as:

  • Movie Nights with Popcorn
  • Discos
  • Several cake and preloved uniform sales
  • Creating Christmas Cards
  • The Summer Fair
  • The Christmas Fair
  • Sponsored Events
  • Mufti Days
  • Easter Bingo
  • Fundraising Activities 

Easy Fundraising – another way we raise money is from online shopping.  We ask parents to sign up to easy fundraising and use the links to take you to your usual online retailers (Amazon, M&S, Tesco, Asda, Ebay and Argos to name but a few).  A percentage of the amount you spend then comes directly to the PTA at no extra cost to yourself.

What the Money we Raise is Spent On?

The PTA has raised over £6,000 this year.  One hundred percent of that money we raise is used to help improve the school community, such as purchasing new equipment, improving the school environment, or providing activities and opportunities for the children to enhance their learning and enjoyment.

In the last 12 months it has paid for items such as:

  • DT Equipment for the whole school
  • Easter Eggs for every child
  • Prizes for Christmas Decoration Competition
  • Gifts at Christmas
  • World Book Day Workshop
  • PA System for the School/PTA to use at events
  • A yearly pantomime performance
  • A yearly Santa Train Visit

How else do we support the school?

As well as raising funds we also provide support, involving refreshments and parent information, at events such as school open days, sports days, easter plays and nativities. Please feel free to come and chat to us and ask any questions during these events.

We are also looking into a coffee morning every month for parents to come along and find out more about what the PTA does and how you can get involved.

How YOU Can Help?

Offering to help at events or at other times during the year is really valuable, and without volunteers we simply wouldn’t be able to run them. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into the school, as there are often jobs that can be done from home – even if you only have half an hour to spare.  We couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen ‘army of helpers’ that exists within the school and committee.

You can volunteer to be part of the planning team or help at an event.  You may work for, or run, a company that could donate products or services to the school, perhaps you have a skill that would help us, or you know someone else who does.  You may have organised events before or have an idea that could raise money or maybe you just want to get involved with your child’s school. Whatever way you think you could help; we would love to hear from you

Contact us

If you can help or would like to make suggestion for future events and spending ideas, drop us an email, speak to a class representative or contact us via the Facebook page.



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