British Values are Christian Values
We have a school council who are voted in by the children
Pupils vote for their House captains
We ensure all pupils are listened to by adults
During a previous election, year 6 children formed their own political parties. They wrote and presented their party’s manifesto to the school. We built a ballot box and the whole school voted for the party whose manifesto they supported. The winning party ‘Ruled the School’ for one day and will hand over their manifesto to be carried out by a new year 6 team next academic year – succession planning!
Rule of Law
We create “class rules”
- We have a clear behaviour policy that is explained to all
- We highlight the rules of the Church and God in the RE curriculum, for example the 10 commandments
- We invite members of the local community, including the police service, into school to share experiences, help us understand English law and appreciate right from wrong. We are fortunate that our Chair of Governors is Assistant Chief of Police for South Wales.
- We teach about the rule of law through topic work including WW11. We study leaders’ and how influence people in times of need. We look at English Law and democracy and the influence Britain has had and continues to have around the world.
Individual Liberty
- Encourage students to be independent in their learning
- Provide students with opportunities for reflection on their own vocation (work on vocation and mission)
- E-Safety lessons and PSHE teach children how to exercise their rights and personal freedom safely
Mutual Respect
Our school mission statement is inclusive: “We will do this by:
providing a rich and varied curriculum that encourages every child to achieve their fullest potential, visibly loving life, loving one another and loving God, striving for excellence in all that we do, welcoming children from all faiths and backgrounds.”
Constantly promoting respect for others as good manners – House points are awarded not just for work and effort but also for good conduct.
We have an effective anti-bullying policy
We support charitable works: CAFOD, Red Nose Day, Children in Need, CLIC Sargent etc
Tolerance of Those of Other Faiths and Beliefs
In RE units on other religions and through assemblies, we have a strong focus on learning about and understanding the beliefs of others and accepting them
Through visiting a places of worship (Church, Mosque and Synagogue) to develop learning about religions
Through stories in the Bible, the children are taught that Jesus encouraged tolerance in stories such as The Good Samaritan
Emphasising in RE and PSHE lessons that every person is unique and “created in the image of God”
Having active educational links with other schools (St Gregory’s, Norton Hill, Downside and links through sport with many local schools)
British values and PSHE
We use Jigsaw as our PSHE scheme of work and it constantly reinforces British Values throughout every unit that is taught. Here is the overview to show where British Values is taught in each unit and year group.