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Our Governors

Structure and Remit of our Governing Body

Currently, our governors meet as a Full Governing Body once a term (and at least 6 times per academic year). Their remit is wide ranging and covers teaching & learning, personnel & pay, finance & buildings, admissions, and discipline, appeals & complaints.

Members of the Governing Body

T​he Governing Board has several statutory duties including appointment of the Headteacher as well as agreeing some of the school policies and procedures.  It is accountable for its decisions and reports on the school's overall performance, decisions and actions to those with a legitimate interest such as Ofsted inspectors.

All Governors receive induction training upon appointment and continuous updates and training are provided by Somerset County Council and the Diocese to ensure that Governors receive the information they require to execute their duties to the best of their abilities.

It is essential that the Governing Board maintains high standards at all times, it has committed to a Code of Conduct and declares pecuniary interest where relevant.  It is committed to ensure confidentiality is observed at all times.  

The Governing Board is not involved with the day-to-day running of the school and as such any enquiries of this nature should be directed initially to the class teachers and the Headteacher in accordance with the school's policies and procedures.

If you would like more information about becoming a school Governor, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Board via our email address below or via the school office.

Copies of non-confidential minutes of Governing Board meetings ar​e available upon request.  Please contact the Clerk to the Governing Board via the school office.

Governors can be contacted via the School Office or by email: stbensgovernors@st-benedicts.org.uk (this is a confidential email address, administered by the Clerk to the Governing Board).

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