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Prayer sticks 2
Lurticical Year
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Chaplaincy Training

Louise White, from Clifton Diocese, came to train the St Benedict's Chaplains.  This year they are thinking about the theme of Mission - helping those in most need through prayer and action.  Louise spent time talking to the children and helping them understand their role.  They created prayer sticks for each class and painted prayer stones to help focus the mind during reflection.  

This Lent the Chaplains are supporting each class with child-led worship and thinking about how they can empower action.  The Chaplains will be using the CAFOD 'Walk Against Hunger' challenge to raise money for those in most need as well as thinking about ways we can deepen prayer across all classes.  They will sharing their vision and  reminding us all of our call to mission in an whole school assembly in the next few weeks.

Be an example for the believers in your love, speech, faith, conduct and purity.' (Timothy 4:12)



St Benedict’s Chaplaincy Team

Be an example for the believers in your love, speech, faith, conduct and purity.' (Timothy 4:12)

At St Benedict’s, the children in Year 4,5 and 6 have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. The Chaplaincy Team plays a vital role in developing the spiritual life of the school and the children are supported in their work by Mrs Mitchell.


At St Benedict’s, we believe that the following are the top five tips to becoming a successful Chaplaincy Team:

1. Listen carefully to each other.

2. Communicate respectfully with all Chaplaincy Team members, other children in the school and with our Parish Priests.

3. Encourage everyone when they are making decisions and when they are sharing their ideas, and inspire them to always try their best.

4. Include everyone in the team when making decisions.

5. Lead by example and respect everyone.

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The Role of a Chaplain

The role of a chaplain at St Benedict’s includes the following:

  • to help the school to develop as a community of faith.
  • to encourage the children to live out their faith in daily life.
  • to develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.
  • to support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
  • to involve other children in fundraising for charities.
  • to support the school in living out its Values and Mission Statement.

In order to fulfil these roles, our chaplaincy team:

  • helps to prepare and lead masses, liturgies and assemblies.
  • assists in organising charity fund-raising events, when necessary.
  • provides a ‘Thought for the Week’ which is displayed in each classroom.
  • works with other chaplaincy teams with the Camino partnership.
  • promotes gospel values and helps others to understand how we can best use them in our everyday lives.

Charity Work

As a Christian school we believe in supporting others and our pupils have many opportunities to support those who are less well off or in need. Our PTA is also involved in charitable fundraising. Read about some recent charitable activities below or see the pictures above.

British Red Cross

In class, we listened to the words of Pope Francis and joined a day of prayer for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday.  This prompted discussion around the difficulties that many refugees face when they are forced to leave their home due to war, famine or natural disaster.  As a school, we decided to reach out and help by fundraising for the British Red Cross.  The children came to school wearing mufti, learnt about how our actions can support others and the importance of supporting those in most need, with a focus on humanitarian support.  The children also organised a cake sale and we were able to donate £569.29 to the British Red Cross.

Child in Need

This Year for children in Need the children came to school wearing something spotty and held a cake sale after school - yum!  Year 6 children helped sell the cakes and £383.12 was raised to help those in most need.  

Number Day for the NSPCC

St Benedict's children and staff dressed as something number themed and enjoyed a day full of maths activities.  KS2 were involved in the TTRockstars Battle and KS1 enjoyed time on Numbots.  The fancy dress creations were amazing and a £154 was raised for the NSPCC.

Aid to the Church In Need

As a school we recognise that it is not just money that helps those most in need and that prayer is a powerful way to offer support, courage and empowerment to those who need it most.  On October 18th the whole of St Benedict's joined with 1,000,000 other children around the world to pray the Rosary.  This powerful collection of prayer was to call for unity and world peace.

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